Diablo 4 has been massively successful there are still

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While Diablo 4 has been massively successful there are still some changes that are being called for by fans.

Additionally, the spam notification can end up hogging the message box, pushing other more useful information such as buy Diablo 4 Gold NPC dialogue out of view too quickly. Some commenters below the post mentioned that turning off crossplay entirely doesn't seem to stop the rogue message from appearing. Others chimed in noting that one must log out of, and then back into Diablo 4 in order for the change to stick.

Another user under the post mocked a different Diablo 4 message that notifies players of closing the blue portal they used to fast travel into a town upon leaving said town on foot. This large on-screen message can get annoying for players who already know how these portals work, especially since it plasters a large text box on the screen every time instead showing up in the message box off to the side.

While Diablo 4 has been massively successful there are still some changes that are being called for by fans. A lack of more robust social elements in Diablo 4, as well as the annoying "This skill isn't ready yet" pop-up are among some of the pains players wish to see changed. As Diablo 4 is an ongoing live service title, fans wouldn't be wrong to expect to see these issues addressed at some point in the near future.

The frustrating "Save the Adventurers" event in Diablo 4 is leading some players to criticize the game. Diablo 4 is packed full of open-world encounters and events that players can do at their leisure. Yet not all events are created equal, according to Diablo 4's playerbase. While most of these events are relatively easy, there's one revolving around protecting a group of NPC adventurers that is easily and frequently failed.

In Diablo 4's open world, certain areas of the map have a chance to spawn encounters. These encounters aren't permanently available, disappearing upon completion for an unclear amount of time. Each encounter is somewhat different, tasking players with quests like contributing blood to a ritual or following a wandering spirit as it looks for its family. Completing the encounter rewards a chest full of loot, plus bonuses if the encounter is "Mastered" by performing an additional challenge.

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One specific encounter continues to give Diablo 4 players headaches, however. The encounter involves multiple adventurers that ask the player to protect them amidst waves of attacking enemies. The encounter can have different enemies, but oftentimes the NPCs frequently die and deny players a Mastery bonus. Sometimes they die from seemingly random spikes of Diablo IV Items for sale damage, and sometimes they die because there's no real way to protect them. Regardless, it seems many Diablo 4 players find the encounter annoying.
